Kraton Surakarta or full in the Java language called Surakarta Sultanate Palace is the name for Kasunanan Surakarta palace. Surakarta palace was founded by His Majesty Pakubuwono II (Sunan PB II) in 1744 as a replacement Palace / Palace Kartasura who ravaged by Geger Chinatown in 1743. Last palace of Mataram kingdom was established in the village of Sala (Solo), a small port on the west bank Bengawan (river) Concrete / Sala.
After the official palace of the kingdom of Mataram was completed, the village name was changed to Surakarta Sultanate. Kraton Surakarta is also a silent
witness transfer of sovereignty in the kingdom of Mataram by Sunan PB II to the VOC in the year 1749. After Giyanti Agreement in 1755, the palace was later used as an official palace for Kasunanan Surakarta.Kraton Surakarta is one of the buildings of the exotic in his day. One architect of this palace is the Prince Mangkubumi who also became a major architect of Sultan Palace. It is therefore not surprising that both the spatial archetype palace of the (Yogyakarta and Surakarta) have many common similarities. Much of this palace shades of white and blue with a mixture of Javanese-style arsitekrur Europe
In general, the division of the palace surakarta include:- Complex Square Lor / North,
- Sumewa Sasana complex,
- Complex Sitihinggil Lor / North,
- Complex Kamandungan Lor / North,
- Sri Manganti complex,
- Complex Kedhaton,
- Complex Kamagangan,
- Complex Srimanganti South / South
- Complex Kemandungan South / South,
- Complex Sitihinggil Kidul
- South plaza.
Kraton Surakarta complex is also surrounded by baluwarti, a defensive wall with a height of about three to five meters long and about one meter thick without a bridge. These walls enclose an area with a rectangular shape. Area width of about five hundred yards long and about seven hundred yards.
In addition to having the grandeur of the building, Kraton Surakarta also has a priceless cultural heritage. Among them is the traditional ceremonies, sacred dances, music, and heritage (Heirloom). Is the famous ceremonial Garebeg, Sekaten ceremony, and ceremonies Night One Suro. The ceremony which dates back to the kingdom until now is still being implemented and is Indonesia's cultural heritage should be protected from the claims of foreigners.
Surakarta palace Garebeg held three times in a calendar year / Javanese calendar which is on Mulud twelve months (third month), day of the month Sawal (tenth month) and the tenth month of the Great (the twelfth month). On the day that day the king issued a donate as a manifestation of gratitude to God for the prosperity of the kingdom. This charity, which is called by Hajad Dalem, a pareden / mountains consisting of mountains and mountains Kakung estri (male and female).
Sekaten is a royal ceremony held for seven days. Sekaten began with the release of two sets of gamelan Sekati, Kyai Gunturmadu and Kyai Guntursari, from palace to be placed in front of the Great Mosque of Surakarta. For six days, starting on the sixth until the eleventh month in the Javanese calendar Mulud, both devices gamelan is played / sounded (Jw: beaten) marks the celebration sekaten. Finally on the seventh day of the ceremony closed with the release of Mulud Mountains. Currently in addition to such traditional ceremonies also held a night market that began a month before the actual solemnization sekaten.
Night one suro in the Java community is a celebration of new year according to the Javanese calendar. Night began to fall one suro sunset on the last day of last month Javanese calendar (30/29 Large) until sunrise on the first day of the first month of next year (1 Suro). In Surakarta Palace ceremony was celebrated with Carnival Mubeng Beteng (processions Surrounding the fort palace). A unique carnival is when placed in the vanguard of a flock of heirloom albino buffalo named Kyai Slamet are always the center of public attention.
Kraton Surakarta royal heirloom collection has a number of them in the form of the king's throne, gamelan music devices and the collection of weapons. Among the collection of gamelan is Guntursari Kyai and Kyai Gunturmadu who only plays / Sekaten tolled during the ceremony. In addition to having heritage Surakarta palace also has the typical dances performed only at certain ceremonies. For example, sacred dance is performed Bedaya Ketawang at the coronation of
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